Tasted from tank just ahead of its intended late spring bottling, the Hecht & Bannier 2011 Maury leads with a much more intriguing and alluring nose than its – to be sure, delicious – 2010 counterpart. Buddleia and freesia garland caramel- and cocoa-infused black raspberry preserves, and these elements reunite on a seamlessly silken and expansive palate. As with other renditions of this appellation from Hecht & Bannier (who, incidentally, rely on just a single source), this elixir’s sweetness is perfectly proportional. What’s more, there are cut and counterpoint from subtly piquant pit fruit as well as stony notes, which taken together with a surprising degree of brightness and juiciness, makes for an exhilarating experience even given its strongly confectionary and confitured aspects. I would expect this to remain outstanding through 2020.