Blending wines
In each appellation we gather the range of samples that we have pre selected (usually 15 to 30), we build our blend. Each blend is usually based on 5 to 10 different origins. It happens that we reject some very good wines which cannot be blended because they do not express our vision of the appellation. We also wish, from one vintage to another to remain true to our concept of each specific geographical origin while emphasizing each year particular successful grapes or area.
When blending, our purpose is to show the complementarity of each wine and to understand what they can bring to each other.
Blending Juices
Among all our wine, none is a single grape wine, except the Maury, only made of the Grenache Noir; as each one of our Crus is a blend of several plots within the appellation and the result of the work of several vine growers and domaines. Working on these terroirs, it is our conviction that this blending approach is the only way to achieve a more aromatic complexity and to give birth to wines with a wider evolution of flavors.