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2017 is one of the weakest years of production in France in the last twenty years. Languedoc has experienced a drop in volumes of nearly 30% in some areas.

However, the region is getting back to quality, the wines are rich, fruity and aromatic, soft and silky tannins.

The striking character of the vintage is the extreme drought supported by the vineyard during several months. Cumulative precipitation from April to September averages only 224 millimeters over the region, a deficit of 44% over 6 months and a record over the last 60 years.

Spring was relatively warm with very hot periods (early April, mid-May and end of June) and a relatively cool limited period (late April) with more or less significant frosts depending on the area.

To conclude, once again the climate has not been mild between drought, frost and hail but despite this the quality is there.

2017, certainly a vintage to put in the cellar in Languedoc.